Regulation 3 – Certificate of Acceptability (13 min)

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10 thoughts on “Regulation 3 – Certificate of Acceptability (13 min)”

  1. Hi,

    What kind of changes to the premises does this adhere to?

    If you change the lighting must you inform them or just if it is big change regarding the layout of the premises?

    • Good day, Anandi

      It must be big changes that affect the layout of the premises. If it is minor modifications, it is unnecessary to inform the authorities.

      Kind regards,
      ASC Support

  2. HI,
    I have a COA for my premises currently and have been selling from home. However I might be selling from a shop soon. If you transport your food to a local shop, does your car also need to be checked for a COA? (bit confused) / Do you need approval to then transport the product in your car?

    • Good day Merel,

      Any vehicle used for the transportation of food is considered a “food premises”. You have to disclose any vehicles you are using for the transportation of food. Some local authorities will list the vehicles on your business premises’ COA or you might receive a COA for each vehicle, or sometimes they list all the vehicles on one COA. If you are already in possession of a COA and want to use additional vehicles for food transportation, you have to contact your local authority and apply for a COA for these vehicles.

      Kind regards,

      ASC Support

      • Hello,

        Think i asked this before but did not see a response. If i intend on making burgers on a braai at various food markets, do i need a COA only for my home and the vehicle transporting the foodstuff?

        I will not be using a food truck but a stall at the market to braai the pattie and assemble the burger.

        Kind Regards,

        • Hi Daren,

          You will only require one COA for your property specifically where you will be doing food preparations, I assume it will be your kitchen. You will then list your vehicle when completing the COA application form normally under item D “Vehicle(s) transporting perishable food/prepacked food”, although COA application forms vary from one municipality to the other. Please see page 34 of the R638 regulations which will be covered in Module 3 of this course.

          Keep in mind the organisers at markets might want to see a copy of your Certificate of Acceptability (COA) as proof of compliance with legislation.

          ASC Consultants

  3. Am I correct to assume that I can sell at food markets as long as the preparation and packaging of food happen on the premises for which the COA has been issued?

    • Hi Lizelle,

      During your application for your Certificate of Acceptability, you have to inform the health inspector of where you intend to sell your products. Most food markets are approved by the municipalities, but we suggest you discuss it with the inspector and find out what their requirements are.

      Kind Regards,

      ASC Support Team

  4. Activity 12 asks for 3 products that are foodstuff in the company. Is it meats, beverages and starches?

    • Hi Pedro,

      Have a look at the definition of food on page 5 of Regulations R638.

      “food” means a foodstuff intended for human consumption as defined in section 1 of the Act, excluding food referred to in regulation 14(5), and raw milk when produced and handled in a milking shed in terms of the Regulations Relating to Hygiene Requirements for Milking Sheds, the Transport of Milk and Related Matters, published in Government Notice No. R.961 of 23 November 2012.

      The definition of “foodstuffs” is defined in the Act as follows:

      “foodstuff” means any article or substance (except a drug as defined in the Drugs Control Act, 1965 (Act No. 101 of 1965)) ordinarily eaten or drunk by man
      or purporting to be suitable, or manufactured or sold, for human consumption, and includes any part or ingredient of any such article or substance, or any substance used or intended or destined to be used as a part or ingredient of any such article or substance.

      This means anything suitable for human consumption is considered a foodstuff. The ingredients used in food products are also considered foodstuffs. This definitely includes meat, beverages and starches. For example, the salt you may use to add flavour to a final product is considered a foodstuff and must comply with food safety practices.

      ASC Support Team


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