Assessment Criteria and the Requirements to Obtain a Certificate (10 min)

ASC Consultants takes pride in the quality training we provide. We want to ensure the learner is well informed and will apply the knowledge they acquired in the workplace after completing any of our courses.

For this reason, we have a few requirements before a learner can receive a verified certificate from ASC Consultants.

To issue a verified certificate to a learner, we need to confirm that it is indeed the learner who requires certification who will complete the course and not someone else on their behalf.

A verified certificate carries more value. All the necessary information is printed on the certificate (full names, surname, id number, certificate number, and training administrator signature) to link the learner as the certificate owner formally.

The learner can obtain a verified certificate after the learner meets all the requirements listed below.

Learner Enrolment and Declaration of Authenticity Form

The learner enrolment and declaration of authenticity form must be completed in the learner’s handwriting and signed by the person who paid for this course and the learner.

Learner Enrolment and Declaration of Authenticity Form PDF Download

Please email the completed document and a clear copy of the learner’s ID/passport document to

Assessment Criteria

  • All module knowledge tests, the 3-part exam, the video call verbal assessment, and workplace assignment points count towards the final score.
  • An overall pass rate of 70% is required to receive a verified course certificate.
  • The exam pass rate is 70%.
  • The workplace assignment pass rate is 70%.
  • The verbal assessment pass rate is 70%.
  • During the course, only 1 attempt is allowed for all tests, the exam, and the workplace assignment.
  • A learner has the option to request two more attempts should the learner fail to reach the required pass rate of 70%.


Ensure you print the Learner Enrolment and Declaration of Authenticity Form, complete, scan and email it to before continuing with the lessons. Also, remember to attach a copy of your ID/Passport document.

Thank You

Learner Enrolment and Declaration of Authenticity Form PDF Download

Last updated: 27 April 2021

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